Duration: 5 days

Fee: 58,500.00 KSh

Non East African Fee: $ 540.00

Date: 17 February 2025 to 21 February 2025

Enquiries: +254 712923459

Course Programme

17February2025 to 21 February 2025


Under Article 10 of the Constitution of Kenya 2010, the National values include good governance, integrity, transparency and accountability and sustainable development.


Under Article 232 of the Constitution, the values and principles of public service include efficient, effective and economic use of resources and these values and principles of public service apply to public service in all State organs in both levels of government; and all State corporations.


The Mwongozo Code of Governance of State corporations at the introduction observes that the weak financial performance of the majority of State corporations in Kenya has been attributed to an inadequate governance framework and that the improved performance and viability of State corporations will require the development of an appropriate governance framework. It also notes that global best practices demonstrate the strong linkage between good governance and enterprise growth and profitability. The institutionalization of good governance practices in the leadership and governance of State corporations is therefore expected to spur growth, development, employment creation and economic transformation of the country.


Chapter 7 of the Mwongozo addresses Sustainability and Performance Management and places a number of obligations on the Board in respect of this.


It is against this background that the Kenya School of Law conceptualised this course, to strengthen the capacity of State Agencies to meet the statutory obligations on them as relates to sustainability.


This Course is recommended for:

  • Members of Management Boards of Public and Private Universities

  • Officers in Senior Management and officers in the core functions of State Agencies who play a critical role in ensuring the agencies’ operations are sustainable.

  • Officers serving in the Planning, Strategy, Human Resource, Finance, Administration and Supply chain functions of State Agencies.

  • Officers serving in the roles Resource Mobilisation and Marketing. of Lawyers in the State Law Office and in State corporations in legal, supervision, compliance, investigation and enforcement departments and sections.

  • Members of Environment, Health and Safety committees

  • Corporation Secretaries and Legal officers in State Agencies involved in Governance and ensuring legal compliance.


The course is intended to enable the participants

a)         Appreciate the Legal basis for requirement for sustainability;

b)         Acquire a transformed sustainability perspective;

c)         Expand their ability to identify new resource mobilization sources & partnerships to foster sustainable growth;

d)         Evaluate the effectiveness of financial, supply chain and human resource management in attaining sustainability;

e)         Gain a deeper understanding of sustainability to be applied in informed decision-making in leadership and oversight;

f)          Apply experiences learnt from successful sustainability programmes.


The training is expected to result in:

•          Essential working knowledge on sustainability;

•          Efficient and effective strategic guidance on attaining sustainability;

•          Enhanced capacity for oversight of sustainability plans.



The School has assembled a team of experienced trainers from both its internal staff members with long experience in private legal practice, public sector and in academia, as well as from accomplished professionals in fields such as strategy and planning, finance, supply chain, human resource and strategic management.




A certificate will be issued to the participants who attend the entire course.

Fee: Kshs. 58,500/= (covers tuition, course materials, stationery, lunch and refreshments and is inclusive of taxes). Participants will be expected to make their own arrangements for travel and accommodation.

Participants coming from outside East Africa will pay USD 540


Application Process: Application is by registering online at


The duly completed application form plus evidence of payment should be submitted at least by 13th February 2024.  Cash payments should be deposited in the Kenya School of Law (Account No. 202 2029 110 ABSA Bank of Kenya, ABSA Plaza Branch, Nairobi, Kenya) and banking slips presented to the Finance Office of the Kenya School of Law and the completed application form presented to the CPD department at Gate A, Mutula Building, Ground Floor, Kenya School of Law or emailed to

For further enquiries and information, contact Isaac, Samuel Christine or Jacqueline on: Tel +254 712923459; Email:;;; and



Theme: Looking at opportunities

CPD Points: 3