Venue: Naivasha


Fee: 90,000.00 KSh

Non East African Fee: $ 800.00

Date: 21 October 2024 to 25 October 2024

Course Programme

21October2024 to 25 October 2024


The Kenya School of Law is pleased to mount a very practical, hands-on 5-day course titled Legislative Drafting: Policy & Legislation. This course seeks to build capacity for drafting and analyzing legislative proposals as well as related policy issues. It also addresses the question of translating policy into law.


This course is tailored for legal practitioners, policy makers, policy analysts, legal officers, law enforcement personnel, law reform proponents, county counsel working in different county governments, staff working in the Parliament, and legislative processes.


The Kenya School of Law has assembled a team of legislative drafting experts led by well-known legislative drafters.


Certificates of participation will be issued at the end of the training.


The Constitution of Kenya 2010 established a new order pursuant to which society must respond by relooking at the existing laws and policies and developing new legislative agenda to align with its dictates. Some laws are now obsolete; some require reform. Regulation-making authorities need to develop capacity to draft appropriate regulations to implement new or old legislation. There is a need to have a cadre of persons who can scrutinise Bills and contribute to their betterment. There is a close correlation between policy and legislation, hence a policy-maker needs to understand the legislative process.

 This course seeks to build capacity to effectively deal with the listed need. It will address the question of designing public policy from which laws and regulations often flow.


By the end of the course participant will be able to:

1.     Show demonstrable knowledge and appreciation of the subject of converting policy into legislation;

2.     Demonstrate mastery of the key issues in legislative process;

3.     Demonstrate a good grasp of the fundamental principles in legislative drafting;

4.     Identify opportunities in, and deepen understanding of, legislative drafting;

5.     Apply legislative drafting principles in drafting of a legislative sentence or provision;

6.     Scrutinise legislative and policy proposals and make positive input;

7.     Draft legislative provisions, including Bills and regulations as well as other documents.

YOUR INVESTMENT: Kshs. 90,000 (tuition 75,600; VAT Kshs. 14,400) (covers stationery, lunch and refreshments. Those who are non-East Africans will pay USD 800.

CPD POINTS: members of the Law Society of Kenya who attend and complete the training will be entitled, on payment of extra 1,000.00 to be awarded 3 CPD points. Payment of this sum shall be effected during the training, as will be directed by the organizers of the training.

Application Process

Application should be made ONLINE through the platform. Please log at: https://services.ksl.ac.ke/web/login and sign in (if already registered) or sign up and register for the course.

Fees should be deposited in the School’s account: (Account No. 202 2029 110 Absa Bank PLC, ABSA Plaza Branch, Nairobi, Kenya) and the bank slip or evidence of electronic funds transfer presented to the Finance Office, Karen. 

Please note that your registration and proof of payment should be complete by Monday 7th October, 2024, to enable us to adequately prepare for the course.


For any query, contact the Course Coordinator, Mr. Isaac Kuloba, Asst. Director, CPD,            on ikuloba@ksl.ac.ke, or Jacqueline jacqueline@ksl.ac.ke; Christine cmwanza@ksl.ac.ke  

CPD Points: 3